Surgical masks vs respirators: properties and indications for use

There are numerous dental procedures that can create an aerosol capable of carrying bacteria, viruses and polluted particles into the surrounding environment. As this aerosol cloud persists and feeds continuously, it is essential for operators to use personal protective equipmentRead the full article… Date: 07.2020 Source:

Surgical masks vs respirators: properties and indications for use Read More »

What is the situation of shortage and unavailability throughout the territory of drugs and health devices in this Covid-19 emergency period?

The Italian Society of Hospital Pharmacy and Pharmacy Services of Health Authorities (Sifo) has started a National Network-Emergency COVID-19 as an interactive channel for sharing documents, best practices and reports from hospital pharmacists and Sifo Territorial Pharmacy Services, who are called upon daily to respond to the needs of patients, health care companies and Regional

What is the situation of shortage and unavailability throughout the territory of drugs and health devices in this Covid-19 emergency period? Read More »

Portraits on masks: a way to humanize personal protective equipment

The use of personal protective equipment is to protect the eyes, nose and mouth from COVID-19. However, covering these body parts, which express human individuality and are crucial for nonverbal communication, significantly affects the doctor-patient relationship. A group of researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine tested a particular method to try to “humanize” these

Portraits on masks: a way to humanize personal protective equipment Read More »

Pfizer begins clinical trials of an oral antiviral for COVID-19.

Pfizer announced that it is proceeding with multiple ascending doses after completing single ascending dose dosing in a phase 1 study in healthy adults to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a new oral therapeutic antiviral for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Read the full article… Date: 03.2021 Source:

Pfizer begins clinical trials of an oral antiviral for COVID-19. Read More »

IPRs – In force dlgs no. 17/2019 on personal protective equipment

On March 11, 2019, the Legislative Decree on “Adjustment of national legislation to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9, 2016 on personal protective equipment and repealing Council Directive 89/686/EEC” was published. Read the full article… Date: 03.2019     Source:

IPRs – In force dlgs no. 17/2019 on personal protective equipment Read More »

Regulation (EU) 2017/745: what changes for medical device traceability?

Loss of traceability of DMs poses a serious health risk to patients and users. The new European Parliament Regulation provided a common strategy, based on internationally recognized principles, through the establishment of a unique device identification system (UDI system). Read the full article… Date: 06.2020   Source:

Regulation (EU) 2017/745: what changes for medical device traceability? Read More »