What is the situation of shortage and unavailability throughout the territory of drugs and health devices in this Covid-19 emergency period?

The Italian Society of Hospital Pharmacy and Pharmacy Services of Health Authorities (Sifo) has started a National Network-Emergency COVID-19 as an interactive channel for sharing documents, best practices and reports from hospital pharmacists and Sifo Territorial Pharmacy Services, who are called upon daily to respond to the needs of patients, health care companies and Regional Steering Committees and who, therefore, have the “pulse” of the situation.

To date, it is therefore possible to offer an initial summary picture of the supply shortages felt to be most critical by frontline hospital pharmacists. This picture takes into account the fact that drugs are the same throughout the country, but the epidemiological as well as the organizational-logistical realities of health care are different; the regions most involved and affected by the epidemic have high drug consumption, which take away availability from the currently less affected regions. Read the full article…

Date: 04.2020          Source: pharmastar.co.uk

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